

  1、 发表的代表性研究论文(标*为通讯作者):

  (1) Mao, D.H., Wang Z.M.*, Wu, J.G., Wu, B.F.*, Zeng, Y., Song, K.S., Yi, K.P., Luo, L. 2018. China’s wetlands loss to urban expansion. Land Degradation & Development, online. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.2939.

  (2) Mao, D.H., Luo, L., Wang, Z.M.*, Wilson, M.C., Zeng, Y., Wu, B.F., Wu, J.G. 2018. Conversions between natural wetlands and farmland in China: a multiscale geospatial analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 634: 550-560.

  (3) Mao, D.H., Wang, Z.M.*, Yang, H., Li, H.Y., Thompson, J.R., Li, L., Song, K., Chen, B., Gao, H.K., Wu, J.G. 2018. Impacts of climate change on Tibetan lakes: patterns and processes. Remote Sensing, 10: 358; doi:10.3390/rs10030358.

  (4) Yu, H., Liu, M.Y., Du, B.J., Wang, Z.M.*, Hu, L.J.*, Zhang, B.*. 2018. Mapping soil salinity/sodicity by using Landsat OLI imagery and PLSR algorithm over semiarid West Jilin Province, China. Sensors, 18: 1048; doi:10.3390/s18041048.

  (5) Chen, L., Ren, C.Y. *, Zhang, B. 2018. Quantifying Urban Land Sprawl and its Driving Forces in Northeast China from 1990 to 2015. Sustainability, 10(1): 188.

  (6) Zhang, X.K., Liu, H.J.*, Zhang, X.L. 2018. Allocate soil individuals to soil classes with topsoil spectral characteristics and decision trees. Geoderma, 320: 12-22.

  (7) Du, B.J., Zheng, Y.Y., Liu, J.P.*, Mao, D.H.*. 2018. Threatened plants in China’s Sanjiang plain: hotspot distributions and Gap analysis. Sustainability, 10: 194; doi:10.3390/su10010194.

  (8) Ren, C.Y., Wang, Z.M., Zhang, B.*. 2017. Remote monitoring of expansion of aquaculture ponds along coastal region of the Yellow River Delta from 1983 to 2015. Chinese Geographical Science, (6–7): 1-13.

  (9) Chen, L., Ren, C.Y. *, Zhang, B. 2017. Spatiotemporal dynamics of coastal wetlands and reclamation in the Yangtze Estuary during past 50 years (1960s–2015). Chinese Geographical Science, 1: 1-14.

  (10)  Liu, H.J.*, Whiting, M.L., Ustin, S.L. 2017. Maximizing the relationship of yield    to site-specific management zones with object-oriented segmentation of hyperspectral images. Precision Agriculture, 19(2): 348-364.

  (11)  Meng, L.H., Zhang, X.L., Liu, H.J.*, Guo, D., Yan, Y., Pan, Y. 2017. Estimation of cotton yield using the reconstructed time-series vegetation index of Landsat data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017. 43(3): 1-12.

  (12)  Man, W.D., Yu, H., Li, L., Liu, M.Y., Mao, D.H.*, Ren, C.Y.*, Wang, Z.M., Jia, M.M., Miao, Z.H., Lu, C.Y., Li, H.Y. 2017. Spatial expansion and soil organic carbon storage changes of croplands in the Sanjiang plain, China. Sustainability, 9. 563. doi:10.3390/su9040563.

  (13) Tian, Y.L., Luo, L., Mao, D.H.*, Wang, Z.M.*, Li, L., Liang, J.P. 2017. Using Landsat images to quantify different human threats to the Shuangtai Estuary Ramsar site, China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 135: 56-64.

  (14) Zhang, Y., Wang, Z.M.*, Ren, C.Y., Yu, H., Dong, Z.Y., Lu, C.Y., Mao, D.H. 2017. Changes in habitat suitability for waterbirds of the momoge nature reserve of China during 1990-2014. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 25(4): 367-378.

  (15) Liu, M.Y., Li, H.Y., Li, L., Man, W.D., Jia, M.M.*, Wang, Z.M.*, Lu, C.Y. 2017. Monitoring the invasion of Spartina alterniflora using multi-source high-resolution imagery in the Zhangjiang Estuary, China. Remote Sensing, 9. 539; doi:10.3390/rs9060539.

  (16) Jia, M.M., Liu, M.Y., Wang, Z.M.*, Mao, D.H., Ren, C.Y., Cui, H.S. 2016. Evaluating the effectiveness of conservation on mangroves: a remote sensing-based comparison for two adjacent protected areas in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, China. Remote Sensing, 8. 627; doi:10.3390/rs8080627.

  (17) Du, H.S., Jiang, H.L., Zhang, L.F., Mao, D.H., Wang, Z.M.* 2016. Evaluation of spectral scale effects in estimation of vegetation leaf area index using spectral indices methods. Chinese Geographical Science, 26(6): 731-744.

  (18) Lu, C.Y., Wang, Z.M.*, Li, L., Wu, P.Z., Mao, D.H., Jia, M.M., Dong, Z.Y. 2016. Assessing the conservation effectiveness of wetland protected areas in Northeast China. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 24: 381-398.

  (19) Wang, Z.M., Mao, D.H.*, Li, L., Jia, M.M., Dong, Z.Y., Miao, Z.H., Ren, C.Y., Song, C.C. 2015. Quantifying changes in multiple ecosystem services during 1992-2012 in the Sanjiang Plain of China. Science of the Total Environment, 514: 119–130.

  (20) Jia, M.M., Wang, Z.M.*, Liu, D.W., Ren, C.Y., Tang, X.G., Dong, Z.Y. 2015. Monitoring loss and recovery of salt marshes in the Liao River Delta, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 31: 371–377.

  (21) Jia, M.M., Wang, Z.M.*, Zhang, Y.Z., Ren, C.Y., Song, K.S. 2015. Landsat-Based estimation of mangrove forest loss and restoration in Guangxi Province, China, influenced by human and natural factors. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(1): 311–325.

  (22) Mao, D.H., Luo, L., Wang, Z.M.*, Zhang, C.H., Ren, C.Y., 2015. Variations in net primary productivity and its relationships with warming climate in the permafrost zone of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 25(8): 967–977.

  (23) Mao, D.H., Wang, Z.M.*, Li, L., Miao, Z.H., Ma, W.H., Song, C.C., Ren, C.Y., Jia, M.M. 2015. Soil organic carbon in the Sanjiang Plain of China: storage, distribution and controlling factors. Biogeosciences, 12: 1635–1645.

  (24) Jia, M.M., Wang, Z.M.*, Li, L., Song, K.S., Ren, C.Y., Liu, B., Mao, D.H. 2014. Mapping China’s mangroves based on an object-oriented classification of Landsat imagery. Wetlands, 34: 277–283.

  (25) Dong, Z.Y., Wang, Z.M.*, Liu, D.W., Song, K.S., Li, L., Jia, M.M., Ding, Z. 2014. Mapping wetland areas using landsat-derived NDVI and LSWI: a case study of west Songnen Plain, Northeast China. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 42(3): 569–576.

  (26) Dong, Z.Y., Wang, Z.M.*, Liu, D.W., Song, K.S., Li, L., Ren, C.Y., Jia, M.M. 2014. Spatial Decision Analysis on wetlands restoration in the lower reaches of Songhua River (LRSR), Northeast China, based on remote sensing and GIS. International Journal of Environmental Research, 8(3): 849–860.

  (27) Mao, D.H., Wang, Z.M.*, Wu, C.S., Zhang, C.H., Ren, C.Y. 2014. Topsoil carbon stock dynamics in the Songnen Plain of Northeast China from 1980 to 2010. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23(2a): 531–539.

  (28) Song, K.S., Wang, Z.M.*, Du, J., Liu, L., Zeng, L.H., Ren, C.Y. 2014. Wetland degradation: its driving forces and environmental impacts in the Sanjiang Plain, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 54: 255–271.

  (29) Mao, D.H., Wang, Z.M.*, Li, L., Ma, W.H. 2014. Spatiotemporal dynamics of grassland aboveground net primary productivity and its association with climatic pattern and changes in Northern China. Ecological Indicators, 41: 40–48.

  (30) Mao, D.H., Wang, Z.M.*, Li, L., Song, K.S., Jia, M.M. 2014. Quantitative assessment of human-induced impacts on marshes in Northeast China from 2000 to 2011. Ecological Engineering, 68: 97–104.

  (31) Miao, Z.H., Wang, Z.M.*, Song, K.S., Zhang, C.H., Ren, C.Y. 2014. Spatial and temporal variability of soil organic carbon in the Corn Belt of Northeastern China, 1980s–2005: a case study in four counties. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 45: 163–176.

  (32) Mao, D.H., Wang, Z.M.*, Wu, C.S., Song, K.S., Ren, C.Y. 2014. Examining Forest Net Primary Productivity Dynamics and Driving Forces in Northeastern China During 1982–2010. Chinese Geographical Science, 24(6): 631–646.

  (33) Tang, X.G., Wang, Z.M.*, Xie, J., Liu, D.W., Desai, A.R., Jia, M.M., Dong, Z.Y., Liu, X.Y., Liu, B. 2013. Monitoring the seasonal and interannual variation of the carbon sequestration in a temperate deciduous forest with MODIS time series data. Forest Ecology and Management, 306: 150–160.

  (34) Dong, Z.Y., Wang, Z.M.*, Liu, D.W., Li, L., Ren, C.Y., Tang, X.G., Jia, M.M., Liu, C.Y. 2013. Assessment of habitat suitability for waterbirds in the West Songnen Plain, China, using remote sensing and GIS. Ecological Engineering, 55: 94–100.

  (35) Dong, Z.Y., Wang, Z.M.*, Liu, D.W., Zhang, B., Zhao, P., Tang, X.G., Jia, M.M. 2013. SPOT5 multi-spectral (MS) and panchromatic (PAN) image fusion using an improved wavelet method based on local algorithm. Computers and Geosciences, 60: 134–141.

  (36) Mao, D., Wang, Z.M.*, Luo, L., Ren, C. 2012. Integrating AVHRR and MODIS data to monitor NDVI changes and their relationships with climatic parameters in Northeast China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 18: 528–536.

  (37) Wang, Z.M.*, Wu, J.G., Madden, M., Mao, D.H. 2012. China’s wetlands: conservation plans and policy impacts. AMBIO, 41: 782–786.

  (38) Wang, Z.M.*, Song, K.S., Ma, W.H., Ren, C.Y., Zhang, B., Liu, D.W., Chen, J.M., Song, C.C. 2011. Loss and fragmentation of marshes in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China, 1954–2005. Wetlands, 31: 945–954.

  (39) Wang, Z.M.*, Huang, N., Luo, L., Li, X.Y., Ren, C.Y., Song, K.S., Chen, J.M. 2011. Shrinkage and fragmentation of marshes in the West Songnen Plain, China, from 1954 to 2008 and its possible causes. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 13: 477–486.

  (40) Wang, Z.M.*, Song, K.S. 2011. Response to “Rethinking ecological migration and the value of cultural continuity”. AMBIO, 40: 102–103.

  (41) Tang, X.G., Liu, D.W., Song, K.S., Munger, J., Zhang, B., Wang, Z.M.*. 2011. A new model of net ecosystem carbon exchange for the deciduous–dominated forest by integrating MODIS and flux data. Ecological Engineering, 37: 1567–1571.

  (42) Ren, C.Y., Wang, Z.M.*, Song, K.S., Zhang, B., Liu, D.W., Yang, G., Liu, Z.M. 2011. Spatial variation of soil organic carbon and its relationship with environmental factors in the farming–pastoral eco–tone of Northeast China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 20(1a): 253–261.

  (43) Huang, N., Wang, Z.M. *, Liu, D.W., Niu, Z. 2010. Selecting Sites for Converting Farmlands to Wetlands in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China, Based on Remote Sensing and GIS. Environmental Management, 46(5): 790–800.

  (44) Zhang, S.M., Wang, Z.M.*, Zhang, B., Ren, C.Y., Song, K.S., Liu, D.W. 2010. Assessment and Identification of the Critical Source Areas for Diffuse Phosphorus Loss in Shuangyang River Watershed, Northeast China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19(12): 2832–2839.

  (45) Wang, Z.M., Chen, J.M.*. 2010. A greener future for China’s cities. Science, 327: 1199–1199.

  (46) Wang, Z.M.*, Song, K.S. 2010. China’s largest ecological migration in the Three–River Headwater Region. AMBIO, 39: 443–446.

  (47) Wang, Z.M.*, Zhang, B., Song, K.S., Liu, D.W., Li, F., Ren, C.Y., Yang, H.J., Liu, Z. M. 2010. Spatial variability of soil organic carbon under maize monoculture in the Song–nen Plain, Northeast China. Pedosphere, 20(1): 80–89.


  王宗明,张柏,于皓. 东北亚资源与环境. 长春:吉林大学出版社,2018.


  (1) 吉林省自然科学奖二等奖,中国东北地区土地资源动态与生态环境变化, 2013年。

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  (5) 吉林省有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才,王宗明,2010年。


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